
Collecting Hot Wheels Muscle Cars

If you love Hot Wheels then you probably know that when it comes to the $1 line of Hot Wheels they make mostly goofy looking cars aimed at children these days. But every so often a nice looking model slips in to the line-up. These are usually hard to find since heavy duty collectors will strip them out of fresh cases along with the treasure hunts. I personally have never seen a treasure hunt in a store and I do look at hot wheels every time I go. 2007 to 2010 was a very good period for Muscle cars.

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96 thoughts on “Collecting Hot Wheels Muscle Cars”

  1. Yes I still have mine that I played with when I was a boy and they still look new

    1. Haven’t watched the video yet lol but it’s hot wheels related so I’ll like it

    1. It’s makes it more unique with dust lol. I keep mine like this

    1. Stu Stauffer I finally paid the Price and got the replica of the ’69 RS/SS Camaro I had in my early 20’s.The redline Camaros are Pricey and this is actually modeled after a ’67 Camaro.

  2. I got a all Crome 68 cobra fast back by collecting cereal box tops took forever to get check out what there worth some one kiped it not that it was excellent condition ! Used it like the rest!

  3. I have close to 1000 of these things And I have the one your holding still in the box

  4. I just keep telling myself its a fun ongoing investment for awaiting to see smiles on my kids and grand kids faces one day…..for some its the find for resale markup, for me it was an addicting combo of a mid life crisis and the chase of a cool hotrod….still is but have slowed way down to just the ones of older model muscle and trucks……lol….

  5. I have all the Hot Wheels Ho, Afx, Johnny Lightning cars since I was a kid in the early 70s. Hundreds of them, and collectibles still in the packages.

  6. I’ve collected a few myself. Not sure the reason though. I guess it’s cause I can’t afford the real ones.

  7. I literally have every muscle car there is in cases…I put them together,models…in detail..

  8. Justin had tons of these, don’t know if he still does

    1. Thanks! You would be amazed at how many he has lol

  9. I had the first two that came out with the badges. As a kid,you don’t think collectability,you think how hard you can crash it

  10. I have tons of them but very few are displayed. Various years, makers, materials valued from a buck to a hundred or more. Tons of them get customized and others are just parts cars as real cars. It’s a hobby but a dream since I will never own every car I like. It’s also a stress reliever for me.

  11. I have a decent collection. All still in package.

  12. I have a bunch from my child hood, guess I should see what they are worth

    1. Have to show you my collection sometime brother you will enjoy it I guarantee

  13. I have 51 redline car 1 hole seat of the sweet 16 cars and I even have an apple green redline charger in mint condition

  14. I collect Hot Wheels, Maisto, Fleer, Johnny Lightning, NASCAR & NHRA 1:64 scale die cast…it’sm a hell of a lot better (and ultimately cheaper) than buying the 1:24 or 1:25 scale die cast…and you can get more in the same amount of space…lol. Best investment I’ve ever made.

  15. A neighbor of my sells them. He must have 1000 of them. All types of cars, truck etc.

    1. Sweet display, but mine would Camaros’ and Vettes’.

  16. My brother was a big collector. He has a ton of cars all still in the box from treasure hunts to Johnny Lightning etc. he has them all over the house in three bedrooms. No joke . Amazed at what he collected over the years

  17. You can help me go through all of mine and pick out all of the muscle cars i have and put them on your kitchen table. Jokes aside there are some great looking cats.

  18. What gear head doesn’t like Hot Wheels, let alone muscle cars. My tradition is I buy my son them for Christmas and he’s 25 now!…

  19. Been collecting for 30 years! Have a lot of red line cars and monster trucks also all of the US state cars and the two cars from the movie Bullet! Lots more!!!!

  20. I have 30 still in the package that they were selling for 98 cents in the 90’s and they have the old cast metal under bodies and some have red line wheels would love to know what they are worth

  21. At 50 years old I still have too many of these can’t help myself though

  22. Yes. I have a ’95 Z28 Convertible Hot Wheel to match my ’95 Z28. I had the Hot Wheel custom painted white to match my muscle car.

    1. Clean them oil them and store them in tissue you have a very large collection

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