
’68 Charger & ’68 Mustang in Bullitt Car Chase

1968 Dodge Charger R/T & 1968 Ford Mustang 390 GT 2+2 Fastback in Bullitt, 1968–World famous car chase

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65 thoughts on “’68 Charger & ’68 Mustang in Bullitt Car Chase”

    1. Naw it was a GT 390 the consensus isn’t about power but handing & the Mopar being Bone stock & mustang having alot modifications including racing springs & racing tires but such mods might’ve caused overconfidence a GT 428 would have ate it’s lunch & I’m all about Mopars

    2. Thankyou for info Dale I also did read an article that the car was modified in the handling department and the charger was just a 383-4 they tried to keep the cars pretty equal but for some reason the article never mentioned motor size in the mustang just gave bits an pieces on certain things !

    1. Sadly, being a Ford guy now and until I am Dead, the Chargers used in the movie were 440 Magnums and the 390 GT had trouble keeping up it in some of the scenes on the highway. Those chargers would have had no trouble turning bigger tires on that car. It was supposed to be a stock dodge, with factory tires rims and hubcaps.

    2. As I’d read it &heard it personally from the guy that delivered the second charger to California from Chicago the second car wasn’t a R/T but a 335 HP 383 SE with R/T badges added for the dealer in California only had one black R/T so they improvised a second that the mustang couldn’t keep up with neither

    3. The reasoning for modifications when they first noticed the difference how how the car performed they reconned it due to Steve being accustomed to racing weigh the decision to modify the mustang

  1. Always a little disappointed that Steve’s car did not have positraction or the Ford equivalent , and was only a 390 .

    1. I had read that it was posi, but he blew it in the scene when he put it in reverse and burned out. Not sure if it’s true or not.

    2. Yes but it was 3904v car very fast and very rare I love me some dodges but the Mustang was a fast great handling car

  2. Ok, that was good ( live & die ) but bullit ! The original & best come on man … Steve McQueen enough said! And I’ll take the Charger

  3. Probably the most epic car chase ever. Along with the French Connection

  4. Thast Charger would have killed him in that race. Especially in San Francisco, where those hills would have been perfect for front end – heavy cornering.

    1. They did.Had to stop filming to modify the mustangs so they could keep up with the Charger.

  5. This movie was about 12 years old when I first saw it on TV. I was about 6 or 7 at the time. Dad told me to watch the car chase. He said “They’ll have a Dodge Charger in it, about like your favorite show “The Dukes of Hazzard.” …… As I watched Bullitt go from the taxi cab to his Mustang, that was the first time I saw that car. I noticed it wasn’t a ’69 like the Dukes drove. This one was way better! With the round tail lights and the hollow grill, I was instantly in love with the ’68’s ever since!

  6. My dad took my bro & i to go see this movie when we lived in S.L.C. It was an awesome movie & it still is. One of the best chase scenes.

  7. want a good laugh……count how many hubcaps fall off the charger in the chase.

  8. theres a small town in missouri called Slator .they have a Steve McQueen Days every year! when he was younger he went there to live on i think his grandparents farm usely for doing something like getting in trouble ? any who there is a car show there , one year there was anout pouring of cars there . one car club had a mustang& charger! matching cars in Bullit! they also had pictures whete they took tgere cars to Sanfran, and drove the same streets& route as in the movie! thought it was cool!

  9. It is a great Movie Car Chase, but I disagree with it in a REAL CHASE SENSE, IMHO there is NO WAY, some stinking Mustang stays with the MIGHTY MOPAR DODGE CHARGER, but it is just a Movie and unfortunately the star was in the Stang!!!

    1. It didn’t.They stopped filming to get the engines modified in the mustangs because they couldn’t keep up withe the Charger while filming the chase scenes.

    2. Mustang was set up to keep up with charger .charger was stock mustang was built big time

    3. Correct they used two ’68 chargers 375 HP R/T with 440 & 335 HP 383 S E when the mustang couldn’t keep up with the R/T Even with all those modifications they tried the SE the mustang couldn’t keep up with neither

  10. Love the 68 Charger. My friend used to race his. He did very well at the track. Love both 68 and 69!

  11. Great one. How many hubcaps do they put on chargers?

  12. I was recently in San Fran. This epic car chase could never happen now. Traffic only allows speeds of 10-15 MPH

  13. Read that the charger had to keep slowing down, so the Mustang could keep up.

  14. Didn’t that charger lose 7 or so hubcaps in that scene?

  15. Im a mustang guy., But i dont believe a 390 ford will hang with a 383 or 440.

  16. From red light to red light the Mustang without any mods.

  17. This is one of the best car chase Scenes – at least the best of this time. If I remember right Steve did the driving himself.

  18. Not to nit pick or anything. But I hope you know where to put the “two” at.

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