The Fastest Scat Packs & Hellcats Anywhere Will Race Here!
For many years, Mopars have made their way every April to Las Vegas to show, shop, swap, and drag race at the famous Strip At Las Vegas. Mopars At The Strip (now rechristened Muscle At The Strip to retain the MATS acronym) comes to Vegas this year April 21 – 23, 2017, and interested folks should head over to www.MATSLV.com for details and event registration. Here at Mopar Muscle magazine, however, we’re interested in two particularly important details: the Mopar Muscle Scat Pack Challenge and the Mopar Muscle Hellcat Shootout. Both of these events will feature Dodges with America’s two leading engines: the 392ci Apache Hemi and the 707hp Hellcat.
Full article: https://goo.gl/LVL1Mw
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