
12 Crazy Car Scenes That Give the ‘Fast and Furious’ Movies a Run For Their Money

Whether it’s trains, planes, or automobiles, speeding vehicles have made for some of the best nail-biting, jaw-dropping moments in cinematic history. Entire franchises have been built around car crashes and explosions that, while defying the laws of physics, have reinforced the magic of Hollywood. There’s probably no greater testament to this than the Fast and the Furious franchise, which never ceases to amaze when it comes to wonderfully ridiculous car-related stunts. I thought it would be impossible to top 2015’s Furious 7, which features the late Paul Walker and Vin Diesel crashing a red W Motors Lukan Hypersport through not one, not two, but three skyscrapers in Abu Dubai, but The Fate of the Furious could certainly unseat its predecessor.

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3 thoughts on “12 Crazy Car Scenes That Give the ‘Fast and Furious’ Movies a Run For Their Money”

  1. After Bullitt everything else trying for second place and the car In F&F a Lycan not Lucan

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