Almost Vintage Mopars Against The World Video Ubly Dragstrip
From about 2001 or 2002. All day long racing with some good prize money. A lot of closeup shots racing and interviews with some of the racers. Might have a few of your racing friends in this video from Ubly Michigan.The annual Mopars Agains The World At Ubly big bucks bracket race is held each July at ubly Dragway in Ubly, Michigan. This “no-box” event pits a Mopar against a Brand-X (World) car until there’s one car left standing. There’s two races, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. Saturday’s winner gets $10,000 and Sunday’s winner gets $3,500. Everyone runs in one bracket and there’s no electronics allowed for pure foot-brake racing action. Since this event pays out more than the “big time” Mopar events, racers come from all over the midwest to have a crack at Saturday’s $10,000 payday.
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2 thoughts on “Almost Vintage Mopars Against The World Video Ubly Dragstrip”
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Only one of those cars in the pic above is a Mopar, the one on the right is a Chevy!!!