

Here at Legendaryspeed we sometimes give motorcycle riders crap for acting like jerks.However, being the biker can be very dangerous, especially when someone in the car is pissed at you.
In the video below a group of guys in a truck are upset at a group of bikers so they flip them off.

And when one of the riders goes to ask for an explanation he has the pistol pointed at his face.Tapping on the car’s window at a stoplight isn’t the smartest move, but the driver’s reaction is completely overboard.

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    1. No it’s not
      1) he had a license to conceal and carry.
      2) he feared for his and his passengers

    2. Dale Helmbrecht wrong. No intent of bodily harm. It is a felony. Just cause you have one. Doesn’t mean you can pull one. FYI

    3. Dale Helmbrecht lmfao, as Al stated, just because you have a license to carry, does not mean you get to pull it when your panties are in a bunch. Yes he can say he feared for his life, but when he goes to court and there is no provocation for him to fear, he will be charged with a felony.

    4. It shows pussiness. He’s jus an aggressive coward, that they’ve allowed to carry a his pistolwhippns a coming

    5. If he’s found in negligence, his gun permit can be pulled quikly

    6. Stand your ground, he doesn’t have to prove he feared for his life the state has to prove he wasn’t in any danger. If he had felony charges he would be in jail on a very high bond he’s giving tv interviews instead…

    7. I think you better read up on stand your ground there Richard… also, I didn’t see anywhere this cock stain gave any interview. Also, you ever hear of bail?

    8. Shannon Bovin Watch the video and you will see himgetting interviewed. Self-defence claims are not valid if the defendant could have safely retreated from danger

  1. Dumbass pussy! Gotta draw a gun. Stupid piece of shit.

  2. I would say in this day and time if you start monkeying with people in any way you better be prepared to meet your maker. There are a lot of people who carry nowadays.

    1. And.there’s alot of folks who dgaf about a gun.

      Coulda been a bad scene.

  3. Don’t walk up to someone’s car like your gonna do something. Has nothing to do with being a pussy. People have the right to defend themselves, whatever it takes. I ride as well, and shit happens, that’s life on the road. Just because you ride doesn’t mean your a badass. Me, I gave up fighting back in my 30s, now I will just shoot you before I let you hurt me. That’s the way it is.

    1. I would choose to shoot him or anyone else who pulls some shit like that and I may be a pussy with a gun but you or him would be a dead tough guy.

  4. Fine, the USA allows people to carry hand guns. Still doesn’t give you the right to pull out your weapon and point it at someone else, because you “felt intimidated” by the “dirt bikers”. Stereo typing at it’s best. “But officer I’ve heard so many terrible things about bikers”. You’re not “defending yourself” you are the aggressor. Defending would be if HE pulled out a gun in response to you pulling your’s out first! He “tapped on your window with ONE FINGER!!! Besides you stupid piece of shit, you would have sprayed scalding hot gun powder residue all over your buddies” face and probably blown his ear drum out!

    1. What makes you think the biker would give him time to pull his gun after the bikers already has his drawn……

    2. Did you not see the video from new York where they guy was best senseless in front of his wife and kids

    3. i used to be for open carry in canada but i changed my mind to many senseless crazy people out there ! like this idiot

    4. Floyd Marcum A bike has a hand throttle. The guy used his “clutch hand” to tap on the window. If he had his “gun” in his hand he would have been hitting the window with the butt of his handgun. Besides the guy in the truck pulled his gun AFTER the window was opened.

  5. After what happen back a few years ago in in new york this guy acted in a relevant manner. He did not shoot anyone he got his point across to them and everyone went there ways. Guy on motorcycle banged on his window like he was gonna do something. So with his legal gun he defended his property

    1. Banged on the window? He tapped with his finger. The bikers were not out of hand. Video proves that. But hey, you changed a tapping into a banging.

    2. 1) did you see how many bikers there were?
      2) tapped or banged don’t matter at that point he touched his truck and the only reason would be to start shit. The guy didn’t shoot him he told him to leave them alone

    3. pointing a gun at someone is threatening at that point that biker actually did have the right to defend himself by any means

    4. Are you all not watching the video where the guy was surround by a bunch of idiots on bikes

    5. Watch the video of bikers (on dirt bikes and crotch rockets, all types) surrounding the guy in new York a few years ago. Then tell me he had no right.

    6. The biker hold have responded in kind. Could have been a whole lot worse. The driver of the truck overreacted. Could have got somebody killed

    7. did you miss the part where the guys in the truck flipped the bikers off first? the biker tapped on the window and ask why if the biker had a gun he should a shot the dumb ass in the truck

    8. Dale Helmbrecht so if one biker is surrounded by cars does that give the biker the right to flip off people in cars or pull a gun? what you are on or in don’t change anything the guys in the truck flipped the bikers off that started everything

    9. No the guy is a pussy. Period. 2 guys in the truck one on a bike and in typical bitch fashion pulls a gun because no one acts like a real fuckin man anymore. Number one rule. If you’re not gonna shoot it, don’t pull it out.

    10. Sorry but you people would rather it escalate into a fight. The gun pulled may seem extreme but the situation ended and everyone’s alive

    11. 1. Always avoid a fight, unless your life is threatened, pansy way? Yes but no one wins in the end.
      2. In my opinion this is no way to pull a firearm on someone. His life was not threatened Physically.

    12. Read this article then tell me the guy did not have the right to pull his gun

    13. When shit like that has happened it makes more sense to deseclate the situation before it gets to the level the one in New York did

    14. Dale Helmbrecht Stop bringing up an incident that happened years ago in hopes of justifying what this asshat did.

    15. Why because then it makes all you people saying the guy was in the wrong look dumb? Because reality is the guy did nothing illegal.

  6. Idiot crotchrocket riders riding around with gopros just looking for trouble….spare me the comments that the bike rider did nothing wrong, the entire purpose of owning a fast, sport bike is to go fast and be dangerous…can only imagine what happened to lead to this that these type videos convieniently leave out….Everyone knows that what I am saying is the absolute truth so I am prepared for all the name-calling comments because you have no logical argument to argue my point. I am gonna go ahead and let you know I won’t respond to a single one, but set back and be amused at your ignorance.

    1. You want logic. That was not a sport bike (to go fast) to start. It’s a duel purpose bike (dirt bike that is registered).
      So tuff guy in truck was afraid of guys on motorcycle. So he flipped the F*ck you middle finger at scary motorcycle man. Motorcycle man nicely knocks on window and asks why. Tuff guy in truck points gun at him. Hmmm

    2. Chris Fischer you 100% commented everything in the video without any off camera actions. Maybe the biker was swerving through traffic like usual or cutting people off with stupid stunts like usual. No one knows, now what happened happened. Bikers face a lot of shit on the road but realize most of the time it’s due to them fucking off behind the handle bars. I mean that’s the reason for bikes “now”. People over react and that’s how we as humans are, our minds think… kind of how this shit works. All said these 3 idiots went home alive, also I would of hated to be the passenger catching the brass in the ear if the driver had fired.

    3.’re missing out though!!!!

      Let em have it if they hate on the truth.
      Just “be nice and eloquent.”.

  7. when a huge group of bikers are all around you and this exact thing as happened in the passed and the car driver was hurt and or killed…

  8. He’s fortunate that he didn’t get shot. I at first thought that he overreacted but after seeing the video the bikers were in the wrong and he has every right to protect himself. Those bike groups are notorious for being reckless entitled punk ass douchebags that think that they own the fucking road. He’s lucky he didn’t catch a hollow point to the dome. He was totally wrong

  9. He is right, some motorcyclists of this caliber, and these types of bikes have NO RESPECT for the rules of the road, and the laws.

  10. Man he’s A little scared pussy. That should not have a gun

  11. You know i wish the media would stop calling these little biitches on rice burners bikers !!!! They would shit them selfs if a real biker on a Harley all leather clad pulled up beside them !!!

  12. another fkn idiot with a hand gun. Yea oh, those guys on there DIRT bikes looked so threatening, OMG what is this world coming to..

  13. The passenger was doing most of the running his mouth. Kind of stupid to role his window. Just shut up and drive away

  14. I personally have nothing against bikers if I could afford one I would ride one myself but that biker cross the line when he pulled up and tapped on the window in these days and time yes he could have had a gun and he could have pulled it first and he could have shot into the car no one really knows who or how they’re going to react to road rage so I feel that the driver did not overreact he just let the biker know not to pursue it any further

  15. It ain’t no fun when a gun is pointed at you.Mostly by hot headed punk’s that think they r bad asses only dumb asses do this for attention.

  16. So tuff guy in truck was afraid of guys on motorcycle. So he flipped the F*ck you middle finger at scary motorcycle man. Motorcycle man nicely knocks on window and asks why. Tuff guy in truck points gun at him. Hmmm

  17. You don’t pull a gun unless a weapon is pulled on you Strip that guy have his gun license guns and send him to jail

  18. Justified behavior.
    The motorcycle operators conduct was in disregard for the other motorists .
    Motorcycle operators in their helmet – camera clearly show they were driving in a convoy within a few feet of each other ( tailgating and careless / reckless ) which impedes others because it does not allow motorists to safely pass others and travel freely .
    The behavior of the motorcycle operators is gang – style mentality , extremely provo

    1. The only problem I see is the guy pulling the gun had his finger on the trigger! Bad form dude!! Second you don’t draw your weapon unless you are willing to fire it if necessary. If you are using it to de-escalate the situation then he is in the right. You don’t always have to fire the weapon to make it useful. It was not being a pussy he was protecting himself his passenger and his property which he had every right to do. He had every right to ask the bikers to back away from his vehicle with using his concealed weapon. Now the passenger souls have been told to shut his fucking mouth. But the use of the weapon was justified. I’d have done the same thing other than get to a very populated area or drive to closest police station then settled the matter with officers present.

    2. A bunch of BS. I have seen as many as 150 cyclists riding together and there was no problems. A lot of cyclists today are Managers ans Businessmen with expensive bikes enjoying the ride and nothing more. Many restaurants around me have a bike night in the summer and there has never been a problem.

    3. Joseph Kapolka

      Was there a point here somewhere ?
      Or was it a short story titled ;
      A bunch of BS ?

  19. Driver went too far. They were flipping off the motorcycles and decided they were going to beat him up. He and his passengers caused the whole incident. People that quick to pull a loaded gun and threaten someone should not be allowed to own one.

  20. Some sort of confrontation is expected when one flips off and or knocks on your property window….either way be vigilant…. Not the time in this day in age to be second guessing what your gut is saying to ya….imo

  21. Funny story this reminds me of. Once I was in my 80 El Camino with a 350 in a Porsche pulled up beside me. It was a young kid in Daddy’s car he looked over at me and gave me the cocky nod, rapped the pipes out a little bit.
    So I accepted his challenge. Because of his lack of experience and driving the machine his Dad paid good hard-earned money for he got wasted, cuz this guy’s got skills. Another skill that I have is being able to spot a cop from a long ways away. If I can see their headlights at night I would amaze you.

    Anyway I saw some headlights and we were clip and about a hundred hundred and ten miles an hour unoccupied Street other than the headlights coming towards us that were probably three-quarters of a mile to a mile away so I let off the gas in this guy blew by me. As he did so he shot me the bird rather than being a good Sportsman. I thought to myself see bud, why’d you have to go do that? Now I got to throw you a beating and teach you some fucking manners. So I goosed it and gave Chase for a little bit. Next thing you know those headlights were a lot closer and it was a State Trooper. I slowed right down when I saw him flip the lights as he flipped a u-turn. To my great surprise, he didn’t pull up behind me. He pulled up beside me rolled his window down and said follow me. So there I was doing 90 to 100 miles an hour behind a State Trooper in Pursuit of a kid driving a Porsche that I kind of wanted to smack the shit out of. Apparently the kid wasn’t as stupid as I thought he was in the beginning any pulled over too. The cop asked me what we were doing if we were racing and I was honest. I said in the beginning we were officer. He has to was winning in the beginning and I said I was until I saw your headlights and slow down and he blew by me and flipped me the bird. He said what were you going to do if you caught him?

    I informed the trooper that it was probably going to come to blows because he flipped me the bird but nothing too extreme on my behalf.

    I wish I could remember his name the trooper that is… Because what could have been a bad night for everybody involved ended with a forced handshake by order of the Trooper and no tickets issued.

  22. The easiest solution to a group of aggressive motorcycle, is to get out of their way and let them by, it’s ok to show up at your location 5 minutes late. Tapping on the window is looking for trouble, but my way would have avoided that. Pointing loaded guns at others should really only be done when you are also squeezing the trigger. Sure I do think the bikers are in the wrong here, along with safety in numbers. Danger and safety mean different things to different people.

  23. It would have took just seconds for the friends i ride with to shoot this guy right through the back window …click click BOOM

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