
Chrysler Hemi FirePower V8 Engine Rebuild Time Lapse | Redline Rebuild #3

This Chrysler Hemi FirePower engine was a bit trickier… But after 10 months, another 40,000+ photos and a lot of blood, sweat, tears and grease, Davin and Matt have completed another Redline Rebuild.

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4 thoughts on “Chrysler Hemi FirePower V8 Engine Rebuild Time Lapse | Redline Rebuild #3”

  1. Great teardown and rebuild.
    I’m curious what the engine wound up being installed in ????

  2. It was so cool to see but a hemi is supposed to have duel quads not a 6 pack! This video is ruined because of that!!

  3. Wish they would of started it. I would like to hear it run.

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