Mopars Galore At The 2017 Chrysler Nats! See Over 250 Pictures!
Mopar fans are some of the most dedicated people you’ll find; they’ll stop at nothing to score the most elusive of parts, they’ll comb through acres of machinery to find the right project car, and they’ll travel to the biggest, most important shows to present their pride and joy when it’s finished. On the flip side, those who admire vintage Chrysler iron will trek hundreds or thousands of miles to be in the mere presence of a Hemi car or a winged warrior. These cars are nostalgic, and bring back tons of memories for those who remember them in their heyday, but they are also inspirational for a younger generation. Whether you’re a current Mopar owner, or just wish you were, the huge spread of classic Chryslers at Carlisle is the main draw, and there’s plenty to see.
Full article: https://goo.gl/WjE38o
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