Tri-Power – Rebuilding The Carburetors
When it comes to classic hot-rod components, nothing gets people going like a multi-carb setup. And the king amount these is the Tri-power. Long admired for their stellar performance and macho attitude, the tri-power has become a hard thing to find. So why find one? Why not build your own? Today on GEARZ, Stacey walks you through the process of building your own tri-power out of old derelict parts. After that, Stacey pulls out the big Mopar guns and shows what it takes to put together a six-pack. If multi-carbs are your deal… you?re gonna love this show! Then Stacey gets down and dirty and shows you how to build some simple, ultra strong axle dollys by using some old scrap metal like the kind laying around YOUR garage. Who said gearheads aren’t into recycling?
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yeah cut my teeth on carbs …cool video
Tri-Power, I set up on my ’66 Ford Fairlane 500 GT-390.