Trivia #03-Henry and Clem Studebaker
Trivia Jan, 16 to 22
- In 1852 two brothers, Henry and Clem Studebaker open the door to the “Studebaker Wagon Works”. This small company in South Bend Indiana is destined to become the largest of its type in the world..
- Bicycle mechanics, Frank and Charles Duryea, in 1896, are the first to manufacture and sell cars in the USA.
- All totalled the USA produces 2,500 motorized vehicles in 1899. The Manufacturers in New England are mainly working with steam and electric power, while the mid-west, with poorer roads and a lack of electricity are developing gasoline powered cars and stationary motors, with farmers as the largest consumer group there.
- Henry Ford, in his own car, wins his first (and only) auto race on October 10, 1901, at Grosse Point Michigan when he scores a victory over race driver Alexander Winton.
- In 1908 brothers Fred and Charles Fisher register the fledgling Fisher Body Company, created to manufacture automobile bodies.
- Citroen, in 1908 is the largest car manufacturer in Europe and the fourth largest car manufacturer in the world.
- General Motors is the first to introduce a fully automatic transmission in October, 1939. The “:Hydra-Matic-Drive” was designed by Earl Thompson.
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Then there was the Renault The first Renault car, the Renault Voiturette 1CV, was sold to a friend of Louis’ father after giving him a test ride on 24 December 1898.