Why Camaros are the Most Popular Muscle Car of All Time?
When Jan Brady, the middle sister from The Brady Bunch, expressed jealously for the accomplishments of her more popular older sister, “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia” became the most famous quote derived from the popular late ’60’s and early ’70’s family television sitcom. That TV moment was later mocked in a Snickers commercial that first aired during the 2015 Super Bowl (look it up on YouTube; it’s classic).
Full article: https://goo.gl/Tg0kFz
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23 thoughts on “Why Camaros are the Most Popular Muscle Car of All Time?”
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Only Camaro an corvette didn’t get made in 4 door that I know of
That could well be considered by a number of people ~
Most popular? You are intentionally trying create BS between make followers. You are gone. Blocked as of now!!!!!
Must be a Honda civic owner
Being in denial must suck.
Gregory Welsh Absolutely gorgeous Camaro you own. My hats off to you. But if you bother to look at real numbers you’ll find the Mustang whoops as in the popularity category
Gregory Welsh The only pussys I’ve ever known were Camaro owners, cause they always knew they were always one step behind Mustangs! Rejecting facts only makes you blind to the facts! Camaro was a hurry-up counter to the ground breaking Mustang. It even looked like a cheep knock-off of the Mustang! So go ahead and sing your song, I along with the rest of the real car loving folks will just laugh at you
Weird post
Just too cool.
I thought Mustang
Mustang came out as economy car. Stylish but 6 cyl and small V 8
Chevrolet came out offering economy engines and big V8 power
The Camaro is such a beautiful car.
love the camaro’s
Intriguing comparing remarks by Mlm John, Terry Wade, Dan Garrett and Robert Brown. > I will show this to people in my block to find out what they think ..
Kyle Clunk. I’m sure you agree
Because of the design.
where? Hot Wheels?
Mediocrity wedded to homeliness!
I test drove a 69 Camaro Z/28 and had a bunch of fun, but decided on a 69 Dodge SuperBee, a little faster, but I did like the aluminum 302……………..