Mustang And GTO Race Ends BADLY For The Mustang
Mustang And GTO Race Ends BADLY For The Mustang! The video descriptions says that driver who took the video check on the drivers and they were okay!
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they have not made the mustang right since 1974
In 2020….. that’s 5 years ago!
The mistake Ford made was not making this and going with the other 4 door fake mustage! That simple! Hopefully they got ride of however make that thing lol
In 2020???
jim farley needs to be fired hes cost fomoco 4 billion dollars.
Hey Ford how about an all wheel drive mustang GT
No way! Lol
Don’t post videos when we can’t see them!!
must be your browser cause, it works for me.
Works fine for me.
Nope, stangs are known for being the original muscle car, the only ones in production for 53 plus years non stop, the more innovative and track capable muscle car, the only one with a flawless racing history and with the more wins, and the one chevy and mopar had always been used to see it’s taillights..and always behind on technology, the one with more fans allover the planet, more clubs, etc etc etc….
Mustangs are absolutely positively NOT THE ORIGINAL MUSCLECAR. The undisputed ORIGINAL MUSCLECAR is the 1964 Pontiac GTO. The Mustang is the original pansy car.
Mark Garland lol gto??
what is that…
Jaime Alberto Acosta Gto is the car that beat the mustang in the video dumbass haha
Alex Gonzales I don’t freaking care lol who beat who, gto is another chevy long dead zombie that appeared on scene once and then again 40 years apart as a rebadged holden junk,and another chevy joke brand whose cars fell apart just by looking at them..and no one would race in a wet road
And Ford still can’t figure out how to keep them on the road.
Your statement said a mustang can beat a Mopar since when ?
DeMarcus D. Rob Robinson lol who in their right minds race on a wet road?? Tell me about the shelby Gt350R the monster track car…and all the racing ford legends…
you guys are funny
Jeremy William Sullivan lol since always and forever

Mark Garland ok where’s the “such” car now??
Mark Garland http://www.muscularmustangs.com/mustangracehist1.php
Jaime Alberto Acosta , I see the same spin outs on dry land!!!! Quit fooling yourself
DeMarcus D. Rob Robinson
Jaime Alberto Acosta the only times a mustang is fast is when there a chevy engine under the hood haha
Jaime Alberto Acosta , My neighbor has a ’64 GTO three houses down the street. A buddy has one in Griffin, GA. I can put together a long list. How much time do you have?
DeMarcus D. Rob Robinson could it be due to the fact all idiots that can’t drive lose control of cars? It happens to ANY single torquey rwd, and there are more stangs on the road than the others..
Alex Gonzales you meant the only Times mustangs break???
DeMarcus D. Rob Robinson now tell me when a mopar can actually do turns?
DeMarcus D. Rob Robinson your mopars
DeMarcus D. Rob Robinson
I hate to argue with you but stangs are the the original muscle car. Oldsmobile started it when they introduced the rocket back in late 50s.
Jaime Alberto Acosta, because they’re cheap, that’s why it more on the road, and guess what……… it’s even more than that in the junk yards!!!!!!
Kelly Kimura , I beg to differ. John Delorean was working in the Pontiac Division of General Motors when he came up with the ideas of manufacturing a light car with a big engine. The GTO was the very first performance targeted American car built specifically following this formula. Other manufacturers soon cashed in on the idea but Pontiac did it first. And I’m not a Pontiac Guy. I’ve never even owned a Pontiac.
DeMarcus D. Rob Robinson so your argument is that altimas, camrys, accords are cheap and therefore you see them everywhere right?? So, a popular car whatever it is that costs you over 30 grand is cheap and is everywhere not for being good or popular but for being “cheap”…
go to Europe and everywhere else and ask people what American car they dream of own, a MUSTANG..Lol you make no sense at all and yes, I’ve been to junkyards and hardly see a stang but 99% mopars from all ages..
Lmfao lay off the crack pipe
Listen, im a Mustang and a Ford fan myself. But lets be honest here. Your statement is pure opinion, not fact. Chevrolet beat mustang in the Trans Am race series regularly.
And if you want to get technical, the Mustang was not the original muscle car. The 64-65 GTO ‘s were terrorizing the streets and tracks when the mustang came out. And it was only available with a 6 or a 289. It was dubbed “the secretaries car” until Carroll Shelby got his hands on it. Then it became a Muscle Car from Ford.
Johnny Mula I wonder then why the camaro and the charger/ challenger/ amc etc all appeared on scene by 1967…they wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the mustang…and I don’t think you are real fan lol chevy racing history is a joke compared to ford racing allover the planet
What kind of idiot races in the rain? Could’ve happened just as easily to whoever was driving the GTO! For me it still goes down to, Just because you got the money to buy a hot car, doesn’t necessarily mean you have the brains or skills to operate it!
Exactly. Any of us with cars sporting tons of torque know, if you HAVE to be on wet roads, take it slow and steady. These guys are consummate morons.
Rain is only good for burnouts
or wipe outs!
Still can’t figure out what the deal is with Mustang Owners.
Lol go floor the pedal in a wet road on your nova and see…
Jaime Alberto Acosta , I’ve owned and raced NOVAs for over thirty years both as a hobby and professionally. Wet or Dry, it will do what it’s supposed to if I set the car up and I’m behind the wheel. I have also wrenched on hundreds of Mustangs. I don’t hate the cars. The problem is that so many of them are owned by morons.
Mark Garland true
You have to be a special kind of stupid to punch it in a muscle car when the road is wet.
Maybe you shouldn’t Race in the rain!
I own a Pontiac…not nearly as cool as a GTO..but still love it.
I drive a 2006 GTO And I LOVE IT!
Wet road very smart…..
Agreed. Who races in the rain !! Deserves it !
Dorothy Cunningham show dad this
Oh my, I guess so!
Oops !
Tony Avera, Mustangs, huh? LOL!!!
Who gets on it like that in the rain ? Come on stupid
Let’s race in the rain. Dumb fucks
That pic is a g6
And the music was playing “all by myself” “don’t wanna be”…
Both are idiots for racing on a wet surface.
It’s called “aqua planing” & it can happen to any car.
idiot! Racing in the rain? No brainer
Anyone that had driven a Mustang knows STAY OUT OF THE GAS IN RAIN !!
never to that in the rain driving a mustang.. its going side ways
C’mon! Known for it? Any high powered rear wheel drive car is screwed there. Mustang or not. Gotta know better in those conditions to not drop the hammer.
Phil Hammond
Old video :p
Corvette was the original muscle car not ford!!!!!!!!!!!
Good grief, in the rain….. Darwin intervention
Street racing is dangerous in itself. But to race in the rain? C’mon now kids. Use a little bit of common sense here…..
Not a gto
Watch the video a black gto comes up buddy
Racing in the rain ???
Dumb Ass !!!