Trivia-#02-Camille Jenatzy-race driver 1899,
Trivia Jan, 09 to 15
- France passes the first law regarding road maintenance in 1836; the work would be overseen by local governments in each municipality.
- Camille Jenatzy, a race driver, in 1899, is the first person to travel at over 100 km/h. He pilots the Cita, a futuristic electric car, reaching 105.88 km/h to set his third land speed record.
- The American Automobile Association is organized in Chicago Illinois during 1902.
- The “Car Of The year” in 1971 is the Chevy Vega, a sub-compact with an in-line four aluminum block engine. The cars troubled seven year lifespan includes questions about poor engineering, lack of safety, engine durability, general reliability and its low resistance to rust.
- By 1965, there are still 45% of the world’s cars produced in the States; while Japan, at 7% is 4th, just ahead of France.
- General Motors owns 34% of the American car market in 1986.
- In 2007 Toyota is the largest car manufacturer on the planet with General Motors in second spot, even for its share of the domestic U.S. market.
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