
The Accord V6 Coupe Is the Last Real American Muscle Car

This is not a joke.

Here’s a question to occupy an evening at the cruise-in or the garage or the campground: Which car deserves the title of “first American muscle car”? Was it the 1949 Oldsmobile Rocket 88, which also inspired the first rock-n’-roll song? The Chrysler 300? The Impala SS? Or was it the infamous 1964 Pontiac GTO, the first car to break the General Motors policy preventing big-bore V-8s in mid-size sedans? You can make a very solid argument for any of the above, not to mention several other legitimate contenders like the “Max Wedge” Dodge Dart.

Well, I don’t claim to know what the first American muscle car was, but I can absolutely tell you what the last one currently for sale is. It’s the 2017 Honda Accord Coupe EX-L V6 with the six-speed manual transmission. Save your angry letters and Facebook comments until the end, particularly if you don’t know how to spell each and every one of the words you’re planning to use, because I’m going to convince you beyond the shadow of a doubt on this topic.

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47 thoughts on “The Accord V6 Coupe Is the Last Real American Muscle Car”

  1. Another page to unfollow. Making a stupid statement like that. Adios dummies

  2. REALLY!?! American muscle!?! What. About the ZO6 corvette? What about the Mustang GT ? What about the hell cats ? Ur shittin me rite?!?

  3. SERIOUSLY?!?! Whatever you’re smoking you’d better quit and find some better stuff. Honda’s NEVER HAVE BEEN and NEVER WILL BE American Muscle cars. Camaro… Mustang… Firebird… Nova… Chevelle… Charger… Challenger… Barracuda… THESE are American Muscle. And not the ones they’re putting out these days…the ones from the early 60’s to mid 70’s.

    1. Was just giving some examples that popped into my head…lol…I know there’s more out there.

  4. Doesn’t matter if it was assembled in the US its profits and company are not American

  5. May not be a muscle car but they are well built, long lasting cars that are capable of high 13 second 1/4 mile e.t.’s and I’ve gotten over 44mpg on the highway in mine.. Not bad for a daily driver..

    1. Yeah kinda like an Olds Cuntlass. Slow, worthless and nobody gives a shit about them because it’s not a 442. If I took it to a car show I’d get about as much attention as a Cuntlass also… But it won’t leave me stranded on the side of the road for the next 2-300,000 miles if ever..

  6. This is a very good car, but don’t insult my intelligence by calling it an American muscle car.

  7. Ummm…NO. Nice try, and he does make some solid points. But fwd/v6 Japanese cars are NOT American muscle…don’t care where they’re built. Challenger/Charger are the purest. Yes you have to overlook where the factories are located but thats easier to overlook than the overall flavor of the car. At best, the Accord coupe is a Japanese style muscle car if such a thing exists.

  8. In what world is an Accrd an American car? Company is owned by Japan, I don’t care where it was built.

  9. Honda’s are great cars, but none of the rice burners would even make a pimple on the ass of a real muscle car,I grew up in the real muscle car times and drove and raced a lot of them, none of mine sounded like a bee in a beercan..

  10. The caption is definitely a joke because there darn sure is NOTHING American or Muscle Car about a Ricer !!!!!!!!!!

  11. HHHHHAHhahhhhaahhAhhhaahahah best one all day . BHAaaaAaAaaA

  12. I see three problems….1) Crappenese 2) missing 2cylinders 3) FRONT WHEEL DRIVE!

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